All right…so it’s getting to that time of year when I really start running out of new ideas for my social skills and counseling groups. I feel like there’s only so many ways we can go over controlling anger before I (and they) are ready to pull our hair out. It seems like at least once a week someone asks me, “but can’t we play a game on your computer?”
And really, they have a point. I mean, there are so many websites that have reading and math games, but far fewer that have counseling and social work games. So, I made these! They’re Jeopardy-style trivia games in Powerpoint format that cover a whole bunch of different topics. Even my squirmy kids pay attention 🙂
Each has 24 editable questions to help kids learn about a variety of social and emotional skill topics:
The questions are just “think and answer” questions either. I made sure to make it interactive, so they’ll be drawing, acting, thinking, and talking! And while I don’t have a Smartboard, a few lucky people I’ve talked to do and they’ve been able to use this on their as well for a whole class.
So hop on over to my store and pick them up for yourself! There’s also a version for Divorce that’s free if you’d like to try it out first!