In our building, we are SUPER fortunate to have 3 amazing speech-language pathologists. While this may seem like a luxury to many districts who don’t even have 1 whole SLP to themselves, our ladies still stay extremely busy! Our building is primary low-income, so a lot of our students need language interventions (wait, you mean they’re not just “speech” teachers!?)
Most days, I don’t know what I would do without our SLPs! Sometimes being a social worker in a school can make me feel like an outsider, but these ladies know exactly what it’s like to balance caseloads, IEP meetings, and medicaid billing, on top of the “usual” school duties. The other day, one of them posted this article to her Facebook. I thought it hit the nail on the head in terms of what working with SLPs is like and thought I ‘d share it with you all. Hopefully it’ll bring a smile to your face!