If you’ve been following along, you might know that I’ve decided to donate a portion of the proceeds from my store to a different charity each month. My original goal is to do this for a year, but I hope to continue it even past that!!
This month I will be donating 10% of my store proceeds to a national organization working to support children and families at-risk of and who have experienced child abuse and neglect.
Every year more than 3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agenciesinvolving more than 6.6 million children (a referral can include multiple children). In 2014, state agencies found an estimated 702,000 victims of child maltreatment, which would fill 10 football stadiums.
If you’re in the financial position to help, I encourage you to do so, either through donating on your own to a charity of your choice or purchasing any item in my store. I’ll automatically donate 10% at the end of the month!