This interactive game helps students in grades PreK-2nd learn how to identify and express various emotions. It is especially helpful for students with Autism, Emotional Disabilities, and Anger or other Social Skills difficulties. Games are also a great way to teach turn taking and cooperative play skills!
Once the game board and cards are assembled and printed, it’s ready to use over and over with no prep work!
Similar to Candyland, students draw a card and move to the corresponding space. The first player to collect all of the different emotions (happy, angry, sad, scared, excited, embarrassed) is the winner! The game can even be adjusted to be longer or shorter depending on which cards you use.
How to Play:
1) The youngest player goes first. They draw a card and move to that space. You can use bingo markers, pawns from other games, or small erasers as markers.
2) If the space has a face on it, they either a) act out the emotion, b) tell about a time they felt that way, or c) answer another question of your choice about that emotion. If they do this successfullly, they earn that particular picture for their scorecard and their turn ends.
3) If they land on a space without a face, their turn is over. The game continues until someone fills up their scorecard with all of the emotions.
4) Some cards are gray and have faces on them. If a player draws one of these cards, they move their pawn to that space and either a) act out the emotion, b) tell about a time they felt that way, or c) answer another question of your choice about that emotion. If they do this successfullly, they earn that particular picture for their scorecard and their turn ends.