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Tips & Tricks :: Gold Tag Behavior Management Plan

Behavior Management System

If you’ve been around here for awhile, you may know that I really really dislike behavior clip charts. I know I know…please don’t hurt me!

Yes, they’re super easy for teachers, but I honestly cannot tell you how many times I’ve gone down to a classroom to check out a student at the end of the day and other students rush to the door to tell me how many times my student had to “clip down” or “change their color.” And while I always remind students that how other students do is none of their business, it brings up the essence of why I dislike clip charts so much! It’s PUBLIC!

Sure…you put numbers instead of names, hide the chart behind some books on your chalk ledge, or whisper to a student to change their color. Anyone who’s been in a classroom knows every kid in the class knows which clip belongs to who, and what color everyone is on! Maybe it’s not known to the average visitor to the room, but it’s FAR from private.

As I’ve mentioned before, if every single one of my indiscretions for the day was put someplace all my coworkers could see, there would be some serious issues!

I’m always looking for alternatives to clip charts to help teachers out – especially ones that are just a low maintenance. So you can imagine my excitement when I came across A Teeny Tiny Teacher’s Gold Tag system. I especially love how she doesn’t use her “tickets” in the typical “ticket” way. So creative!!

Behavior Management System

Behavior Management System

Note: All the images in this post are from A Teeny Tiny Teacher!

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Tips & Tricks :: 25 Best Classroom Management Tips

25 Classroom Management Tips


Anyone out there have a class this year that’s just one of “those classes?” You know, the ones you swear are going to force you into retirement 5, 10, or 25 years early? The ones who leave you so exhausted at the end of the day all you want to do is curl up with the germ-infested pillows in your reading area and sleep for about 60 years?

Well, a friend of mine recently shared this article with me, jokingly asking if I had written it. As much as I’d love to take credit for them, I did not write it! However, they are AMAZING classroom management tips that I think everyone who works in schools should try.

Take a look and Happy Friday!


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New Product :: Behavior Incentive Punch Cards – Bubble Design

If you’ve been around for a little while, you may have seen my Designer Behavior Incentive Punch Cards. Well, this past weekend I got around to making a bunch of other cool sets too!

Find them here!

Visual reinforcement is always best and these punch cards are a fun, easy way to encourage your students to do their best. Some ideas for use include homework completion, attendance, appropriate behavior during the day, reading logs – the possibilities are endless!


I also have the following designs available too, so you can match basically anything in your classroom!:
– Rounded Box Design
– Striped Design
– Chevron Design
Themed Design