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Student Funnies :: Act Like a Human?


I recently found a game on Pinterest that involves rolling 2 dice – 1 with an emotion word on it, and the other with an animal. Students then get to take turns acting out a sad cat, excited mouse, nervous monkey, etc. I decided to try it in a class yesterday and this was the result. The other teacher in the room and I couldn’t stop laughing…luckily the student didn’t really understand what was so hilarious about it!

Me: And what animal will we act like when our dice rolls this?

Student: A cat!

Me: What about this?

Student: An elephant!

Me: And what will we act like when the dice rolls this?

Student: A human, but there’s no way I can act like a human!

Could be the truest thing I heard all year considering the licking and barking I witnessed earlier this week. Anyone else sometimes feel like they’re working in a zoo rather than a school!?

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Feeling Generous? I Need Some Help!


Happy Saturday, everyone! I don’t usually post things like this, but I currently have a project listed at Donors Choose that expires in just a few days and I’d love any help I can get! The project is around halfway funded and if it expires before getting the rest of the way there, the money just goes back to the donors and can’t help my kids!

Many of the students I work with have Autism or other social deficits. Many of the things you and I take for granted, such as understanding social cues, dealing with stress, or having friendships, are extremely difficult for my students. And on top of that, most of my students do not learn information through their ears; they have to use pictures or other visual cues instead. By using an iPad, I can teach social skills lessons in the ways my students learn. There are so many amazing social skills and communication apps that have been developed, but I can’t use any of with them without an iPad. Everything from communicating effectively, to identifying emotions, to learning how to cope with stress and frustration can be taught with only one device. And now that Apple has developed the iPad Mini, my kids can have all of that for a much lower price. This is where we need your help!

If you’re not able to financially donate, you can still share my project with other people you know who might be interested! That would be a huge help in getting me to my goal.

Right now, you can also use the matching code “HoraceMann12” to double your donation. Anything will help and all donations are tax deductible! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
Update: My project got funded!! Thank you all for helping to spread the word ๐Ÿ™‚ My kids are SO excited!

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Fun Freebie :: Grading Pen Fonts

Grading Pen Pack Cover

In the past I’ve never posted anything like this, but I thought it might be a nice change! If you’re into creating your own teaching/counseling materials, you probably know that one of the best ways to create eye-catching stuff is to use your own fonts. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong per-say with the fonts that come on your computer, but they just tend to get a little blah after awhile.

Recently, I came across a really awesome app that allowed me to create my own font right on my iPad. I gave it a try and here’s what I came up with:


Not too bad, huh?ย  For fun, I put it up in my TpT Store as a freebie AND you can use it for personal things or commercial products!ย  I always appreciate blog link-backs and credits if you’re feeling generous, but I’m not going to come after you or anything if you don’t!


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