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New Products :: School Rules Tab Book

I’m really excited to share this new product with you because teaching social-emotional skills doesn’t have to be difficult! With Tab Books, students’ drawings, writing, and graphic organizers come together to create a customized book they can be proud of and use a reference whenever they need reminders! Great on their own or as part of an Interactive Notebook, Tab Books are a tried and true way to get your students excited about learning! I have my students for 30 minutes sessions and they usually take 2-3 sessions to complete.

This book is especially great as part of a PBIS “bootcamp” or just at the beginnings of the year to discuss school expectations because it helps students learn about rules in different locations throughout the school setting.

The best part? Print and go. No fancy supplies or prep needed!

Rules 2

Rules 3
I have lots of other tab books and am planning to add more in the future, so check back often for new ones! Any topics you’d like to see? Leave them in the comments!

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Product Spotlight :: Bullying Activity Bundle

Bullying Activity Bundle
If I were to list one of the most stressful things educators, parents and students deal with on a daily basis, it would be bullying. And unfortunately, with the increase in social media, students have been faced with near constant opportunities for bullying. Recently, I put together friendship and feelings bundle products to make it faster and easier for you to find what you need. Well, now you can get all my Bullying Skills activities, games, and lessons in one place too! This activity bundle which contains several of my most popular items and many new ones as well! It includes:

Bullying Activity Bundle

– Bullying Scoot

Bullying Scoot Bullying Scoot

– Problem-Solving Lessons Pack
Bullying Activity Bundle Bullying Activity Bundle

– Social Skills Rubrics: Problem-Solving Pack

Bullying Activity Bundle– Social Skills Cards: Problem-Solving Pack

Problem Solving Cover
– Bullying Coloring Book
Bullying Activity Bundle


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Product Spotlight :: Social Skills Activity Bundle

Social Skills Bundle
Social Skills – arguably some of the most common things we teach, but also some of the most difficult for students. With the large increase in the prevalence of Autism, as well as other social skills difficulties, I have a feeling friendship and social skills will continue to be a cornerstone of school-based therapy for the foreseeable future! Recently, I put together a bundle of all of the Feelings Skills products to make it faster and easier for you to find what you need. Well, now you can get all my Friendship Skills activities, games, and lessons in one place too! This activity bundle which contains several of my most popular items and many new ones as well! It includes:

– Social Skills Conversation Hearts (my popular freebie!)
– Social Skills Rubrics: Friendship Pack

Social Skills Rubric
– Friendship Scoot & Task CardsFriendship Scoot– Social Skills Cards: Friendship Pack
– 7 friendship pages from my Interactive Social Skills Notebook

Interactive Social Skills Notebook

– Social Superstar Game

Social Superstar Game
– Train Conversation Cards

Train Conversation Cards
– Listening Coloring Book

Listening Coloring Book

  • Manners & Rules Posters & Coloring Pages

Manners Posters