If you were around this July and August, you might have seen my summer project: an organization binder for the special ed. teachers, social workers, SLP’s, etc. I’d seen so many cute teacher binders on Pinterest and TpT, but felt that none of them really addressed all the IEP craziness the rest of us tend to do! As part of that full binder, I made some grade book pages. However, I quickly realized that lots of regular classroom teachers may enjoy these, but might not use the full binder.
Thus came the individual grade book pages! They’re presented in landscape and portrait orientations and match the cute color scheme of the rest of the binder. And since they’re in Microsoft Work format, you can add and remove as many rows as you need! So, if you’re looking for a way to spruce up your same old red grade book, head on over and take a look here!
so beautiful,I like it very.much!