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Sale :: 2016 Back to School Sale and a Giveaway!

Start of School Sale!

I was shopping at Target a few weeks ago and wanted to tackle the people stashing the school supply area. “NOOOOOO!! I’M NOT READY YET!!” But, I have to say that a few more weeks of summer has given me the usual back-to-school anticipation excitement.

It’s with a fresh mind that I’m ready to say: It’s that time of the year again – time to track down the best deals on markers, glue sticks, and pocket folders, and send the kids off with their clean (for the only time this year) lunch boxes.

As a school employee, the good news is that even though you’ll soon have to wait until your students are at recess or P.E. to use the bathroom, it comes TpT’s annual Back-To-School Sale. It’ll give you the opportunity to save 28% off thousands of activities, assessments, and resources.

So, from 12:01 am on August 1st through 11:59 pm on August 2, enter the code “BestYear″ and get great stuff at a great discount! My store will show sale prices that reflect 20% off regular prices, and by entering the code, you’ll be able to earn an extra 10% off from TpT (for a total of 28%: 10% off a discounted price of 20% off = a total of 28% off the regular price).

AND this year, I’ve decided to try something awesome. If you purchase anything from my store during the sale, you’ll have the opportunity to enter to win a free $10 gift card to get even more TpT goodies! It’s good site wide and never expires! Here’s how to enter:

  1. Purchase something from my store Aug 1 or 2 (sorry, freebies don’t count!)
  2. Send an e-mail to me at onestopcounselingshop (at) gmail (dot) com with your TpT username so I can look up your purchase. I promise not to use your e-mail for any icky, spammy things! Or you can fill out the form below!

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’TpT Username’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

On August 3rd, I’ll do the drawing and notify the winner. BOOM! Easy peasy. And who wouldn’t love more $ to spend on awesome materials made BY teachers FOR teachers?

Enjoy and have a wonderful school year!