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Tips & Tricks :: Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


This summer, I’ve written a blog series focusing on several different disorders that affect children at school: ADHD, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and ODD. Each entry describes the disorder, gives practical strategies for improving success at school, and also provides a few social-emotional goals and accommodations that might be appropriate for students with special education services!

Last and not least is Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Some believe that as many as 11% of males and 9% of females will meet the criteria for ODD at some point in their lives. If left untreated, children with ODD may exhibit more severe behavior as they age and may be diagnosed with Conduct Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder as adults. Both are characterized by a persistent pattern of behavior that violates the basic rights of others. Symptoms may include vandalism, injuring animals or others, problems with drugs or alcohol, frequent criminal activity, general lack of empathy, and violation of basic societal norms.


  • Refuses to comply with requests or rules of an authority figure
  • Does things purposefully to annoy others
  • Angry and resentful of others
  • Argues often
  • Blames others for his or her own mistakes
  • Often loses temper
  • Spiteful or seeks revenge
  • Touchy or easily annoyed
  • Frequent temper tantrums or angry outbursts

Generally these behaviors occur across settings and not just with one particular person or authority figure, such as at home AND at school or in the community.


  • Contact the child’s doctor if medication is to be given at school to make sure you have up-to-date dosage and administration instructions. However, don’t tell a parent “your child needs to be on medication.” You can encourage them to talk about concerns they may have with their child’s doctor, but put your school in a vulnerable position if you start doling out medical advice!
  • Behavioral therapy techniques can often be helpful with treating ODD. Doing a Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan can help the team determine why a certain behavior is occurring (what is the student getting from it?) and establish other more appropriate ways to gain that same thing.
  • Avoid placing students with ODD or Conduct Disorder in therapy or intervention groups together. If students spend a lot of time around other students who have a disregard for authority and expectations, it “normalizes” the behavior and teaches them that it’s acceptable to act in certain ways.
  • Teach anger management skills to help students increase their frustration tolerance and learn to handle anger and frustration in safe ways.
  • Provide choices as often as possible to the student to give them as much control as possible over their environment and minimize their feeling of having to “fight” for control.
  • Involve students in service-learning or volunteer opportunities to help teach empathy skills. Writing apology letters when they wrong someone can also be a good way to help them begin thinking about how their actions affect others.
  • CB025268Establish routines, which will help students know what to expect and feel as though they have more control over what happens to them during a day.
  • Use positive reinforcement strategies such as allowing a student to earn free time, the opportunity to be the class “tech support” during computer time, be the line leader, etc. You can use tangible items, activity reinforcers, or social reinforcers, but use what the student desires – not just what you THINK will work for them! I’ve written another post about rewards and behavior management too!
  • Avoid “nit picking.” It creates a further dynamic of “me vs. them” and generally leads to more noncompliance. Discipline privately and help students to feel like you’re working WITH them rather than against them.
  • Check out my previous post about working with strong-willed students!

Sample Goals

  • Sometimes, externalizing (acting out) behaviors like those seen with ODD are an exclusionary factor for qualifying a student for special education services under Emotional Disability (assuming they don’t exhibit depression, anxiety, somatization or other internalizing behaviors). In some states where BD/ED is a category, this is not the case, so familiarize yourself with the criteria! The rationale is that it is a way to keep students who may tend to be aggressors (externalizing kids) away from students who tend to be victims (kids with learning or physical disabilities who may also struggle with assertiveness skills).
    However, they may be eligible for special education services under other areas if they have co-existing disorders. See the other posts in this series for goal ideas to use in those situations: ADHDAutismBipolar DisorderDepressionAnxiety Disorder

Sample Accommodations:

  • Give breaks or extended time if you can tell the student is having a particularly difficult day
  • Provide choices for demonstrating knowledge (presentation vs. paper vs. diorama, etc.)

If you’re looking for activities for your students, check out my Behavior Punch CardsDealing with Anger Activity Pack, Escape from Anger Volcano Game, and Student Behavior Package! You can also check out my Pinterest Boards for Behavior and Anger Management for even more ideas!

Thanks to Wikipedia for contributing to this article!

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Tips & Tricks :: Anxiety Disorder


This summer, I’ve been writing a blog series focusing on several different disorders that affect children at school: ADHD, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and ODD. Each entry describes the disorder, gives practical strategies for improving success at school, and also provides a few social-emotional goals and accommodations that might be appropriate for students with special education services!

Next up is Anxiety. Most often in an elementary school setting, I’ve seen anxiety manifest itself in school avoidance or test anxiety. However, students with anxiety many have many other emotions or behaviors! These are just two of the most common examples.


MP900262788Everybody worries, whether it’s about that spider crawling down the wall toward them, or an important test. Please note that anxiety is different from fear. Fear is an appropriate cognitive and emotional response to a perceived threat. Anxiety occurs in situations that seem uncontrollable or unavoidable to the student, but not most people. In addition, when a student is  diagnosed with an Anxiety Disorder, it means that their symptoms are extreme and occur often enough that they interfere with their daily life.

  • Excessive, uncontrollable, often irrational worry about everyday things
  • Worry is disproportional to the action source of worry
  • heart palpitations, muscle weakness, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, headaches, stomachaches, tension headaches
  • In children, complaints of headaches or stomachaches are common. I’ve even seen students who are able to make themselves vomit to avoid anxiety-provoking situations like going to school.

Subtypes of Anxiety Disorders:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Phobias
  • Social Anxiety
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


  • Failing Grade on HomeworkContact the child’s doctor if medication is to be given at school to make sure you have up-to-date dosage and administration instructions. However, don’t tell a parent “your child needs to be on medication.” You can encourage them to talk about concerns they may have with their child’s doctor, but put your school in a vulnerable position if you start doling out medical advice!
  • Encourage the student to get involved in extra curricular or sports activities in order to boost their confidence and self-esteem
  • Acknowledge a child’s view of things as being true for them. Don’t tell them they’ll “get over it” or minimize their feelings and experiences as being “no big deal.” It’s a big deal to them!
  • Teach students what different emotions “feel like” to their body to help them identify when they may be feeling anxious
  • Help students to understand that emotions range from mild to intense and improve students’ vocabulary of various emotion words to express their feelings to others
  • If parents approve, teach older students facts about what Anxiety is as well as statistics about the disorder to help normalize their experiences and help them feel less “weird” or “different.”
  • Provide group or individual counseling-type services to help students learn relaxation and calming strategies to use when faced with an anxiety-provoking situation
  • Establish routines, which will help students know what to expect and feel as though they have more control over what happens to them during a day.
  • Help students identify triggering thoughts which lead to the physical symptoms of anxiety (ex. “I’m going to fail.” “My mom will never come back to pick me up.” “I’ll get trapped in this crowd and suffocate.” etc.) Learning the tie between thoughts, feelings, and behavior will help them be able to stop the cycle of anxiety before the physical symptoms take over and become overwhelming.
  • Accommodate students’ worries as much as practically possible. For example, allow them to sit close to a door if crowded assemblies bother them, allow breaks or a private location to take tests to allow them to use learned coping strategies, etc.)
  • For school avoidance, behavior incentives which allow students to earn special privileges can be really effective. In addition, having the parent leave school as soon as possible rather than staying around while the child is upset works wonders! Younger kids especially often get into a cycle that teaches that if they cry/scream/hold on to their parent, the parent stays longer. Breaking this cycle is extremely important if the child is ever going to attend school independently!
  • Distraction can be VERY helpful, especially for younger students. It’s amazing how quickly students with separation anxiety will calm down once the class begins a fun activity. The same is true for older students. Try reading a funny book as a class or telling funny stories before tests.
  • Don’t put unnecessary pressure on anxious students. There’s no use telling them how important state standardized tests or a final exam are – they already feel like it’s a life or death situation!

Sample Goals

  • Given a real life or story scenario, Shawn will increase his ability to recognize and label emotions in himself from correctly identifying happy, sad, mad, scared to correctly labeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, and panicked.
  • Given relaxation training, Jessie will improve her ability to cope with test anxiety from making herself sick and refusing to take tests to taking deep breaths, relaxing tense muscles, and completing at least 1/2 of the test questions.
  • Given instruction regarding Anxiety, Sarah will increase her knowledge of Anxiety from not knowing any information about it to listing facts regarding prevalence, symptoms, and treatment independently.
  • Given an attendance incentive, Kelsey will increase her school attendance from attending 2 days per week to attending 4 days per week while using learned coping skills (talking to an adult, using positive self-talk, combating negative/irrational thoughts, etc.).
  • For test anxiety specifically, here’s a great article by Everyday Family which provides some helpful tips!

Sample Accommodations:

  • Provide a private, quiet place for calming down when stressed or anxious
  • Allow students to use cue cards or other visual tools to express their feelings if they struggle with verbal expression
  • Give breaks or extended time if you can tell the student is having a particularly difficult day
  • Reassure students during times of anxiety with situationally appropriate words, hugs, gestures, etc.
  • Arrange for extended passing periods or alternative seating locations if crowds are an issue
  • For test anxiety, allow alternative testing modes such as giving verbal answers or letting a student present a presentation to demonstrate knowledge when possible.

If you’re looking for activities for your students, check out my Anger and Coping Skills Card DeckPositive Thinking Pack,  and Social Skills Cards: Feelings Pack Freebie! You can also check out my Pinterest Boards for Feelings and Mental Health for even more ideas!

Thanks to Wikipedia for contributing to this article!

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Blog Hop :: School Counselors on TpT

Blog Hop

Just in time for the beginning of the school year, I got asked to be a part of my first ever Blog Hop! I’m really excited about this one because it gives me a chance to get to know some of the other counselor/social work-y people on the usually teacher-dominated awesomeness of TeacherspayTeachers. Each of us participating will list some of our favorite paid and free products as well as links to each other’s blog where you can find more awesome free and paid products to help you get your school year off to a great start.

Fun Freebies:

School Counselor ActivityMy Counselor Activity Sheet

This product was made by Vanessa, a school counselor and I love it! I always struggle with a way to discuss my role with students and this activity sheet is a fun way to cover that things you should talk to a counselor about, reasons to see them, as well as the difficult topic of confidentiality and “secret keeping.” Plus, just look at how adorable it is…and it’s FREE!

Bullying Pledge

Bullying Pledge

This freebie comes to us from Heather, also a school counselor. It’s a great way to conclude a lesson about bullying with encouraging them to think of practical steps they can do to take an active role in reducing bullying in their school and community. I love that it can be used with small groups in my office, or with an entire classroom if needed!

Awesome Paid Products:

Listening LadybugsListening Ladybugs: Following Directions

This was one of the first products I ever bought on TpT. It’s created by Danielle, who’s a speech-language pathologist, but I’ve found that it works wonders for all my social work kiddos that have a hard time following (especially verbal) directions. Basically, I spread all the cards out on the table and let a student pick one. Then, I read it to them and they have to follow the 1, 2, or 3-step direction it describes. Some of the cards are a little tricky, so I’ll amend the direction or reduce the number of steps if I need to for that particular student. If they do it correctly, they get to keep the card. The download is only $4 and contains 69 different cards that contain 1, 2, or 3-step directions or game situations such as “your ladybug jar spilled. 2 flew away.” The object is to be the person with the most ladybugs at the end. All of the kids love this game and have actually requested it before when I give them free time!

Social Skills LandSocial Skills Land Game

This last product is one of my own. It was actually my first product ever and it’s by far my best seller. Quickly after becoming a school social worker, I learned that traditional “therapy” games just didn’t grab my students’ attention like their familiar favorite board games. So, I started adapting games like Jenga, Connect 4, and Candyland to teacher social and problem-solving skills! This game puts a fun twist on Candyland and features 144 different questions in categories such as Feelings, Friendship, Bullying, and Anger Control. You use the same Candyland game board and pieces your kids love, so you’ll naturally grab their attention!

Interested in some other products on TpT that are great for counseling or school social work? Hop on over to these other great blogs and check out some of their favorites!

Heather – The Helpful Counselor
Vanessa – Savvy School Counselor
Tabitha – Scrapbook of a School Counselor
Melanie – Stylish School Counselor
