I recently saw a hilarious post on Sublime Speech about the Spookiest Things To Do To an SLP. I figured I’d jump on the fun and make a list for school social workers as well (I did borrow a few of hers!)!
- Blinking voicemail light to start the day
- A move-in student with a behavior plan and social work minutes
- “unfounded”
- Medicaid
- Burps, gas, and runny noses
- An invasion of the Unthinkables
– A required 8-hour workshop that doesn’t offer CEUs - “I don’t allow _______ accommodation in my classroom.”
- 10 calendar days or 10 school days?
- An IEP invitation for tomorrow morning at 8:00 am
- “My child has ADHD, and Bipolar Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and ODD, Tourette’s, and Anxiety, and Autism. They also have bad handwriting and can’t tie their shoes.”
- Required professional development about teaching math under Common Core
- Changing special ed. legislation
– Questionable administrator discipline handlings - License renewal time!
- Overdue re-evals
Anything I should add? What else scares you!?