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A Year of Giving :: April – Environmental Issues

A Year of Giving
If you’ve been following along, you might know that I’ve decided to donate a portion of the proceeds from my store to a different charity each month. My original goal is to do this for a year, but I hope to continue it even past that!!

In honor of Earth Day, this month I will be donating 10% of my store proceeds to one of the world’s largest environmental organizations, with more than one million members and a staff of 500 scientists, economists, policy experts, and other professionals.

Clean air and water. Abundant fish and wildlife. A stable climate. Their work protects nature and helps people thrive. What sets them apart is how they make this happen: By creating solutions that also carry economic benefits.

Their solutions—rooted in strong science and economics—reward people for protecting the environment, not exploiting it. By working with allies across the political spectrum and partnering with business, they turn ideas into lasting change to protect vulnerable ecosystems and human health.

If you’re in the financial position to help, I encourage you to do so, either through donating on your own to a charity of your choice or purchasing any item in my store. I’ll automatically donate 10% at the end of the month!

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New Product :: Apologizing Activities

Apologizing Cover

We’ve all had someone apologize to us before and we could tell they didn’t really mean it. It doesn’t feel good and makes it seem like they don’t really care that we were hurt. So, when our students learn to apologize, it’s important that they really mean it!

These activities are designed to help students learn the difference between “real” genuine apologies and “fake” insincere apologies, as well as provide them practice making genuine apologies.

It contains the following:

– Genuine or Insincere Apology sort
– Is that a Real Apology? Cards
– Make an Apology Cards

– Write the Apology worksheet

– Apologizing journaling prompts

– Apologizing Rubric (student and teacher version)

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New Product :: Behavior Trivia Game

Has anyone else felt like the last few weeks have been a constant “full moon?” I have no idea WHAT’S been going on, but between the constant fire-fighting I’ve been doing plus the lovely PARCC testing window, I feel like I haven’t had time to plan an actual, decent lesson in weeks for my poor kiddos!

Being the planner that I am, I absolutely hate walking back to my office with a group trying to brainstorm an activity for them as we’re walking! Generally, it results in me playing Social Skills Land or another game I’ve made up. And while those lessons always go super well and my kids love them, I feel bad not coming up with something new. “Teacher Guilt,” I’m going to start calling it!

Well, because I have a feeling I’m not magically going to gain an extra hour of plan time, I figured I would let you all in on some of the other “go-to” activities I have for my students. If you haven’t been over to the TpT store in awhile, you may not have noticed that my Social Emotional Trivia Games are now available individually or as a money-saving bundle.

Each has 24 editable questions in a “Jeopardy-type” style to help kids learn about a variety of social and emotional skill topics. Well, I just added a new game for behavior! If you already own the bundle, all you have to do is re-download it and you’ll have all the games. If you don’t own the bundle, you can head over and pick up the new behavior one by itself (or get the whole bundle!)

The questions are just “think and answer” questions either. I made sure to make it interactive, so they’ll be drawing, acting, thinking, and talking! And while I don’t have a Smartboard, a few lucky people I’ve talked to do and they’ve been able to use this on their as well for a whole class.

Behavior Trivia

Behavior Trivia

Behavior Trivia

So hop on over to my store and pick it up for yourself!  There’s also a version for Divorce that’s free if you’d like to try it out first!Divorce Trivia
