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New Product :: 180 Social Skills Cards: The Ultimate Pack

Ultimate Social Skills Card Pack

This is a follow-up post to the freebie Feelings Cards I just posted recently! I created this social skills curriculum after realizing that many of the best curricula out there just break down complex social skills into small steps for students and cost upwards of $50! This download includes all 180 cue cards (with decorative card backs) for 30 different social skills from the following card packs, for much less!

Self Esteem Cover Problem Solving Cover School Success Cover

Communication Cover Feelings Cover Friendship Cover

Each skill is broken down into the mental and physical skills needed to carry out the task successfully, so that they can be taught individually. Cards include visuals for students that cannot read. A few cards are left blank to be customized if needed.

Skills Include:
– Tattling and Reporting
– Dealing with Anger
– Identifying Emotions
– Apologizing
– Setting a Goal
– Dealing with Peer Pressure
– Following Directions
– Choosing Friends
– Starting a Conversation

and 21 more!

As a special thank you to all of you followers, get it here free for the next week! After that, it’ll be available on my TpT store šŸ™‚

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Fun Freebie :: Social Skills Cards: Feelings Pack

Feelings Cover

Many social skills curricula take basic social skills and break them into small steps for students to learn individually. Unfortunately, many of those are quite expensive and if your school is anything like mine, administrators aren’t flooding your offices with money to spend. So, I made my own! This pack is available for free on TeacherspayTeachers and contains skill cards for 5 crucial empathy and emotional regulation skills (30 cards in all with decorative card backs):

1. Expressing Your Feelings
2. Dealing with Stress
3. Dealing with Anger
4. Identifying Others’ Feelings
5. Responding to Others’ Negative Feelings

Each skill is broken down into the mental and physical skills needed to carry out the task successfully, so that they can be taught individually. Cards include visuals for students that cannot read. I use these cards with almost all my social skills groups, but I’ve noticed they work especially well for students with Autism!

If you’re interested, I also have 5 other packs available as well, so check out my store and save yourself tons of plan time!

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New Product :: Interactive Social Skills Notebook

Interactive Social Skills Notebook

Children with Autism, emotional disability, or other social deficits struggle with impairments in many areas – relationships, communication skills, emotional regulation, and organization to name a few. This pack contains numerous activities to be used individually or combined to make a survival guide binder for a student with social difficulties.

This binder is designed to be carried or accessible at all times to help provide support to students in a colorful, fun way that is sure to grab their attention! It contains the the following types of activities:

  • School
  • Friends
  • School & Community
  • Feelings
  • Write it Out!

Activities Include:
– All About Me Page
– “Sticky Situation” Debrief Sheets

Interactive Social Skills Notebook
– Daily Picture Schedule
–Ā Tattling vs. Reporting

Interactive Social Skills Notebook
– Drawing Feelings
– Taking a Break Tips
– Feelings Thermometer

Interactive Social Skills Notebook
–Ā Big vs. Small Problems

Interactive Social Skills Notebook
– Conversation Tips

Interactive Social Skills Notebook

Interactive Social Skills Notebook
– Feeling Words Vocabulary
–Ā I-Statements

Interactive Social Skills Notebook
– Personal Space Graphic Organizer

and many more! All documents are presented in PDF format, including a personalizable cover!

Update: this post has been updated to reflect the combination of my boys and girls version into a gender neutral version!