If you follow along often, you’ll know that I love highlighting some of the great school counseling-related products available on TeachersPayTeachers. Some of the time, it’s bit selfishly motivated because if I write about it for all of you, I’m much better at remembering later that the particular resource exists, so I don’t have to go recreate the wheel when it’s already saved somewhere on my computer or hiding under a pile of IEPs! The other reason is because there are so many amazing teacher-authors out there sharing their classroom tested activities, games, and tips on TeachersPayTeachers and I want every time-crunched, exhausted, creativity-craving school employee out there to see all the great stuff they can get with just the click of a mouse!
Today, I wanted to show you a great packet put together by Clever Classroom that contains TONS of unique attention-getters. I’ve realized that more and more of my groups seemed to be filled with kids who struggle with focus and remaining on-task and I keep meaning to use something like this to keep us where we need to be.
They have a bunch of verbal attention getters:
and nonverbal ones too!
and the best part is that this guide is free! Just head over to her store and pick it up here. Awesome resource! I might even put up a copy in our faculty lounge….hmmm!
Do you have any that work well for your groups or classroom?