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Organization Binder :: IEP Accommodations Cheat Sheet

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Lately, I’ve seen a huge amount of teacher organization binders on Pinterest and teacher blogs. Unfortunately, they aren’t meant to be used by most special education teachers, counselors, or social workers – they’re all organized for classroom teachers. So, over the course of the next few weeks, I’m making one for the rest of us 🙂 When it’s done in August, I’ll add it to my TpT Store, but until then, follow along and you can download them here for free!

So far, you’ve missed:

Group Organizer
User Name & Password Keeper
IEP Tracker
Service Log
Lesson Planning Sheets
Student Information Pages
Seating Chart
Birthday Page
Class List
Meeting Organizer

My next pages are something I use CONSTANTLY! Whenever I get to an IEP, I swear I get a brain freeze any time I’m trying to write in accommodations. It’s ridiculous because I’ve probably done it several hundred times, but I always feel like I’m forgetting something. Finally, I just made a giant list for myself to refer to when I get stuck! This page includes several commonly-used IEP accommodations and modifications  as well as lines to add your own!

Here’s a link to the warm-colored one:

Accommodations Cheat Sheet Warm

And the cool one:

Accommodations Cool


Like the backgrounds? You can get them at my store here!